Sunday, October 26, 2008

Public Forum

In class, we discussed the newspapers obligation to provide the public with a forum. Forums open up an opportunity for many parties to state their honest opinion without interference from the news gatekeepers; however, forums are more conducive to those that are best with public speaking. In a way, forums can be dangerous when they become more emotionally involved. There is a power in emotion that many people don't know how to separate from truth, which makes it harder for people to chose their sides according to where they stand on a topic.

The public deserves a forum where they too can state their opinions; as we discussed, Rick Sanchez opens up to the public's opinions live on his show by using Twitter. My hometown newspaper the Loveland Daily Reporter Herald has the RH-line where local citizens can call in and have a short paragraph sharing their opinion in the newspaper. The Daily Universe does a similar thing by allowing students to write in and share their opinions on matters. These types of forums are important in involving the reader: the more the reader feels they are part of that newspaper or news program the more they will regularly tune in to that specific program.

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